Meet our team

From various places in Mexico, our team has specialized in Design, UX, Marketing and Audiovisual Production.

Karina Pérez – Art Director

With a Master degree in Corporate Finance, she has the envision to lead the company towards new horizons in terms of design strategies. For now, her main interest is discovering and boosting potential brands from local business.

Roxana Romero – Account manager

From the Business Administrator career, Roxana has always the vision to generate new ways to communicate and establish our clients relationships and make projects as a promising success.

Yoko Zamora – Product Designer

From Oaxaca, Yoko has specialized designing products and 3D environments for marketing campaigns and she know pretty well all the considerations to produce and convert ideas to real life in objects.

Arely Ortega – Sales

With an International Relations career, she always has the way to communicate to possible and common clients all the solutions we can offer them in order to give the perfect solution for their projects.

Work experience

A brief story with highlights of our work through recent years.



With six members, U Network is launched in Mexico City with 3 main projects ahead.



Country expansion

Due to projects and clients a new office specialized in production and post production, is open in the Tlaxcala State. We reached this year 10 clients from all the country.



New services to offer

With a team expansion we started to offer specialized marketing services and core business consulting.



We came to Oaxaca

With a lot of new brands opening in this state (which has become a new cultural and touristic point) we decided to open services here and push new projects to success.


Our partners

We have collaborated and created a synergy relationship with them.